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[item collection ep.14.2] shield

TRO Ep. 14.2-3 (Eclage)

น้ำหนัักโล่ (Shield by Weight)
- Cross Shield[] หนัก 200 เพิ่มความแรงสกิล Shield Boomerang/ Rapid Smiting 30%/ Incar.(ยังไม่มี monster)
- Strong Shield[] หนัก 250 โดนโจมตี ธาต natural แรงขึ้น 20%/ drop Bloody Knight
- Bradium Shield[] 180 เพิ่ม max hp500/ drop Bradium Golem(ยังไม่มี monster)
- Stone Buckler(โล่หิน)[] 150 defขนาดใหญ่ 5%/ drop Gold Acidus ในดัน Abyss lake (ยังไม่มี monster)
- Sacred Mission[] 160 unbreakable ยกเว้น อัพเกรด และ NPCแมวถอดการ์ด / drop Incarnation of Morroc (ยังไม่มี monster)
- Shield[] 130
โล่สำหรับป้องกัน (Defensive Shield)
Crusader (Class 2)
- Guard def = 20/ Upgrade Guard = 26+refine
- Buckler def = 40/ Upgrade Buckler = 52+3*refine
- Shield  def = 60/ Upgrade Shield = 78+5*refine/ -(mdef*refine)
- Mirror Shield 45 mdef 5
- Siver Guard 60
- Stone Buckler(โล่หิน) def 45 = defขนาดใหญ่ 5% = เหมาะกับ hard def >= 120
- Sacred Mission[] def = 120 unbreakable ยกเว้น อัพเกรด และ NPCแมวถอดการ์ด
- Cross Shield[] def = 130 หนัก 200 เพิ่มความแรงสกิล Shield Boomerang/ Rapid Smiting 30%
- Valkyrja's Shield(โล่วา) 80 กัน ธาต ไฟ/น้ำ/มืด/undead 20/ เซ็ต Long Horn[1] ออโต้สกิล Assumption เมื่อถูกโจมตี
- Hervor 100 = unbreakable reduce all race 30% Mdef+5 weight_150 (lv90)
- Hervor Alvitr 150 = unbreakable reduce all race 30% Mdef+10 vit+20 defence autocast remove all status effect w300 (lv100)
- Immuned Shield[] def 55 = กัน natural 5% ที่+7 / กัน ธาต ดิน/น้ำ/ลม/ไฟ 5% ที่+9 / กัน natural +1% (ทุกการอัพเกรด ตั้งแต่+6 ไม่เกิน +13) tro ถูกเรียกว่า RWC2011 shield[]
- Mad Bunny 0 = Atk,Matk 5% reflect 10% +7,9,12 atkMatk5,atkMatk15,noCastCancel w10 (lv1)
- Kalasag[0] 40 ลดดาเมจบอส 1%/3 upgrade
- Flow Shield[] def 50 = reduce physical Water Armor, monster 5% Animal-5% w130 (lv65)
- Esprit Shield[] def 50 = reduce physical Formless 5% Angel-5% w130 (lv65)
- Poison Shield[] def 50 = reduce physical Poison Armor, monster 5% Plant-5% w130 (lv65)
- Sol Shield[] def 50 = reduce physical Ground Armor, monster 5% Plant-5% w130 (lv65)
- Sharel Shield[] def 50 = reduce physical Fire Armor, monster 5% Demon-5% w130 (lv65)

Paladin (High Class)
- Round Buckler(โล่กลม) 60
- Orleans's Server(โล่จาน) 75 มีโอกาสสะท้อนเวทมนต์ 5%
- Platinum Shield[0] 95 = def medium/large size 15% undead 10% เมื่อถูกโจมตีด้วยเวทมนต์มีโอกาสสุ่มสะท้อนเวทมนต์เป็นเวลา 2วิ (lv68)
- Naga Shield 35 = มีโอกาสสุ่มสะท้อน 3%/refine เป็นเวลา 5+(refine afer 10) วิ
- Tournament Shield[] 105 = เซตหอก Long Horn[1]/Hunting Spear[1]/Battle Hook[1] +atk 1/6%
- Thorny Buckler[] 85 = เซ็ต Bison Horn[1](accessory) สามารถสะท้อน
- Strong Shield 90 = ไม่ถูกผลัก หักล้างกับ raydric card
- Bradium Shield 98 = max hp 400 agi -1

Royal Guard (Level 100 ขึ้นไป)
- Rosa Shield(โล่กุหลาบ)[] = 130 w130
- Aeon Shield(Ancient Shield Of Aeon)[] 5 = กันทุกธาต 10% w20 (lv130)
- Imperial Guard(โล่อิม)[] 120 mdef 5 = เซต Imperial spear w250
- Giant Shield[] 130 = def large size 5% /+9 def large size = 10% w280 (lv100)

Other Class
- Angelic guard (novice) def 30 = Angelic Protection+Angel's Reincarnation+Angelic Cardigan+Angel's Kiss = ถูกโจมตี Assumptio lv1 500hp 100sp
- Arm guard 50 (ninja)
- Advance arm guard 45 (ninja) mdef 5
- Exocism Bible[0] def 80 (priest)
- Memory book[0] def 25 (mage)
- Magic Bible Vol1[] def 18 (high mage)
- Novice Guard def 20 w0.1 (novice)
- Bible of Promise(1st Vol)[] 10 = mdef 2 w50 (Arch Bishop lv110)
- Bible of Promise(2nd Vol)[] 20 = mdef 5 w50 (Arch Bishop lv140)
- Revised Encyclopedia[] def 50 w20 (Priest,Sage,Takwondo Master lv99)

ของกัน Undead/ Demon
- Teddy Bear Card (undead) = 30%    21/9/2017
- Khalitzburg Card (demon) = 30%

- Eye of Dullahan (undead/ demon) = 4%
- Charming Ribbon[] (undead/ demon) = 5%
- Skull Hat[] (undead/ demon) = 10%

- Time Keeper Shield[0] 20 = neutral reduction 10% Mdef 1 w0 (lv1)
- Magic Reflector[] 50 = w100 reflect Magic 3%6%9% refine079 (lv99)
- Royal Guard Shield[]30-230 = Shield Spell lv1/receive Assumptio lv3 0.5%+0.3%*refine (lv100)
- Ultralight Magic Shield[]50=reduce normal 5%2%3% refine079 pierce normal 10% w10 (lv100)
- Shield Of Gray[] 75 = Holy 30%+1%*refine (lv120)
- Toughen Time Keeper Shield[0] 25 = 500HP neutral reduction 15% Mdef 5 w0 (lv100)
- Union Guard[] 60 = lv1-99, 12 Def*refine w30 (lv1)
- Union Buckler[] 60 = lv1-99, 2% maxSP*refine w30 (lv1)
- Shield Of Death[] 150 = Damage to BOSS 2% (5% with Lord of Death + 5% with Lord of Death(+7)), received normal attack 10% (lv90)
- Shield of Water[] 80 = aspd1,2 refine5,7 +Shining Trapezohedron delay-10  w50 (lv90)
- Shield of Gust[] 80 = aspd1,2 refine5,7 +Shining Trapezohedron increase movement w50 (lv90)
- Excelion Shield[] 95 = mdef5 hp/sp1%+1%*refine/3+1%(baseLv130)  w120 (lv100)
- Shield of Earth[] 80 = aspd1,2 refine5,7 +Shining Trapezohedron skillSP-10%,maxSP+10%  w50 (lv90)
- Shield of Flame[] 80 = aspd1,2 refine5,7 +Shining Trapezohedron LongRange+10% w50 (lv90)
- Ramor Shield[] 50 = reduce Undead 5% receive Demi-human 5% w130 (lv65)
- Happy Shield[] 150 = combo racial card when eleminated exp+5%,+7 exp+5%,+9 exp+5% w350 (lv90)
- Cursed Knight's Shield[] 0 = aspd10%, atk/matk3%, propertyClass-7%, receive chance recover 25 SP/1s 5s 1%, attack chance recover 150 HP/1s 5s 3%, +7: atk/matk+10, +9: aspd1, +12: delay-3% w80 (lv1)
- Bloody Knight's Shield[] 0 = aspd10%, atk/matk3%, propertyClass-7%, receive chance recover 25 SP/1s 5s 1%, attack chance recover 150 HP/1s 5s 3%, +7: atk/matk+10, +9: aspd1, +12: delay-3% w80 (lv1)
- Purified Knight's Shield[] 0 = aspd10%, atk/matk5%, propertyClass-10%, receive chance recover 50 SP/1s 7s 3%, attack chance recover 300 HP/1s 7s 3%, +7: atk/matk+20, +9: aspd2, +12: delay-5% w80 (lv1)
- Illusion Sacred Mission[] 190 = unbreakable/Earth Drive 7%*refine w160 (Royal Guard lv120)
- (Thailand)Themis Balance[] 90 = Mdef10 -var5% Genesis Ray1%*baseLv/5,+9 Heal/2*3%HolyMagic,+11 Genesis Ray cooldown 1s,Dark Blinker/Dark Blinker[] -var5% allRaceMagic 5% w30 (lv100)
- Doram Shield[] 0 = Atk/Matk 50+10*refine Picky Peck,Silver Stem Spear 15% 200HP recovery/5s w0 (Doram lv1)
- Lapine Shield[] 25 = Mdef 10, +7 20 Matk/+Kardui Ear Comet cooldown -20s, +9 15 Matk*Rafini_Staff_refine/+Kardui Ear Comet cooldown -40s, If +10_Rafini_Staff equiped Matk 50/varc-10% w100 (lv100)
- Fallen Warrior Shield[] 120 = unbreakable mdef-15 demi/demon 10%, +7 aspd2, +10 hundredSpear cooldown 1s, vct earthDrive 100%, +12 40 hit/ 5 all_Race, record of swordman; RK_HS_10 shieldSpell_1 RK_IB_1 atk-120, +18 delay5% aspd10%,+21 HS cooldown 0.5s, RG_SP_10 delay 30%, RG_OB_1 delay +30%, +18 RG_ED,SP 25%, +21 RG_ED cooldown 0.5s w350 (lv100)
- Black Mithril Guard[] 60 = reduce all class 10% Maelstorm*1 = Fatal Manace*5%, +7 aspd 2, +9 reduce all class 5% all_status +2, +11 delay-5% add all class 3% (lv100)
- Shield of Chaos[] (TH limited) 80 = shadow -25% aspd1,2 refine5,7 +Shining Trapezohedron demihuman,demon,undead 4%  w50 (lv90)
- Titan Shield[] 100 = +10MDEF, +9 bonus 108: str=windResist, agi=waterR, vit=neutralR, int=earthR, dex=fireR, luck=+20PerfectDodge, +12: 10%HP/10%SP/elementResist=5% w250 (lv1)
- Feather Shield[] 150 = -2%delay,3%aspd,+8 Mdef, +7: -2%delay/3%aspd, +9: race+6%,matk6%, +12: -3%delay/1aspd/Shield Spell lv2 w40 (lv90)
- Shield of Angel[] 100 = unbreakable, +10*refine atk, +7: 10%aspd, +9: +10%allclass/-5%delay, +11: +15% Cart Cannon/Arm Cannon, +10% pHoly/pShadow w250 (Merchant 100) 
- Protect Feather Shield[] 140 = mdef+15, 1%*refine maxHP/Sp, +7: reduce 30% Crimson Rock/Arm Cannon, +9: reduce 30% Arrow Storm/Gate of Hell, +11: reduce 30% Lunatic Carrot Beat/Catnip Meteor, combo Protect Cloth+Protect Feather: reduce 30% Crimson Rock/Arm Cannon/Arrow Storm/Gate of Hell/Lunatic Carrot Beat/Catnip Meteor w100 (lv100)
- Rose Quartz Shield[] 0 = -5%delay -0.32sFire Ball refine*1%Fire Ball, +7 var-5%,+9 FireProperty 10%, +11 spDrain 20%/Comet cooldown -20s/matk30 w66 (lv1)
- Illusion Shield[] 95 = maxHP/SP+10%, +50 def/+5 mdef*refine/3, lv170 +5% Normal_resist w120 (lv100)
- Illusion Shield II[] 60 = maxHP/SP+10%, +15 atk/matk*refine/3, lv170 +5% Normal_resist w40 (lv100)
- Guardian's Shield[] 250 = unbreakable maxHP/SP+10% 2*refine atk, +7 +90 atk when use Shield Spell, +9 range+10% delay-5%, +11 Cannon Spear cooldown -1s w300 (Royal Guard lv100)
- Forbidden Grimoire II[] 100 = aspd+10% 100hp*refine Noraml/wind4*refine/3, +9 aspd+2 fixcast-0.5s, +11 4% chance magic_autocast INT+150/-100 hp,sp/s for 10s/ 15% melee_auto cast Lex Aeterna lv1, Enable Double Attack lv10 w50 (Sorcerer lv100)

Classic shields
- Dark Shield[] 80 = attack chance Coma/recover 500 HP/1s 5s (1+refine)%, shadow -10%, holy -10% w180 (lv60 High Class)
- Spenta Mainyu[] 90 = SP+75, angel/demihuman-5%, +Bilitary Beret: Holy Cross +100% w90 (lv90)
- Insecticide Shield[] 0 = insect/demihuman +5%, +5 cooldown-3%,+7 Meteor Assault +120% when Enchant Deadly Poison was used for 60s, +9 cooldown-7% w10 (lv70)