cbt14/10/2021, server: Baphomet, Maya
cbt14/10/2021, Class 2-1 99/50
cbt14/10/2021, Refine cap +10
cbt14/10/2021, Monster Original Ver.KRO (Drop Rate decrease)
cbt14/10/2021, New UI
cbt14/10/2021, Bank system, Party Agency system
cbt14/10/2021, ลบวาร์ปทั้งหมดในแผนที่ Glast Heim(glast 01)
28/10/2021, rodex Pre-Register items added (Feather scroll:Chick Hat)
28/10/2021, rodex close beta items added (Costume Jumping Poring)
28/10/2021, rodex close beta event item added (Buzzy Ball Gum)
28/10/2021, npc: ลบ dialog Priest Job Change Quest - Darklord หากตอบโปรดไว้ชีวิต จะวาร์ปสู่ Glast Heim(Churchyard) มีวาร์ปภายในแผนที่
28/10/2021, double monster event เพิ่ม Undead, Ghost monster x2 (Halloween event)
28/10/2021, Witch's Pumpkin Hat (Halloween quest)
28/10/2021, Episode 4.0
4/11/2021, map: Glast Heim
4/11/2021, npc: Glast Heim Billboard Quest
4/11/2021, npc: Socket Enhanced NPC added
4/11/2021, bug: Morroc traffic วาร์ปเมือง>Juno,Vein,Einbroch
18/11/2021, kafra: Cat Lover Scroll (Magic Card Album)
18/11/2021, npc: Alberta - Chef Assistance
2/12/2021, map: Turtle Island
9/12/2021, Kafra: Old Hat Box (Snake Head Hat,Pecopeco Hairband,Little Angel Doll Hat,Amistr Cap,Campfire Hat)
9/12/2021, War of Emperium WoE I (ban Pecopeco Hairband,Joker Jester,Fantastic Wig)
20/1/2022, Episode 5.0
20/1/2022, map: Yuno
20/1/2022, class: Monk
20/1/2022, class: Sage
27/1/2022, map: Aldebaran guild_castle
17/2/2022, map: Magma dungeon
24/2/2022, kafra: Ribbon Of Bride(4,990), Blush Of Gloom, Fish In Mouth, Handkerchief In Mouth(2,990)
3/3/2022, kafra: Angel Egg, Deep Blue Angel Hairband (Burning Flame Scroll)
17/3/2022, limited instant map: Endless Tower 1 until 31/3/2022
6/5/2022, map: Umbala
6/5/2022, class: Crusader
6/5/2022, class: Bard, Dancer
6/5/2022, class: Expanded Super Novice
12/5/2022, limited instant map: Endless Tower 2 until 26/5/2022
9/6/2022, map: Louyang, Jawaii island
23/6/2022, limited instant map: Endless Tower 3 until 7/7/2022
30/6/2022, map: Niflheim, Upgrade Eye of Dullahan
7/7/2022, map: WoE II
21/7/2022, map: Old Gast Heim
21/7/2022, npc: Temporal Boots (lv70) version
21/7/2022, kafra: Exorcismus Ribbon (Sweet Gothic Scroll)
4/8/2022, class: Alchemist, Rogue
4/8/2022, map: Geffennia
7/9/2022, map:Ayotaya
7/9/2022, class: Taekwondo
7/9/2022, kafra: Shadow Ring, Immuned Shield[] (Shadow of God Scroll)
15/9/2022, kafra: Mortal Cape[]; Tunnel Drive lv3 (The Dead Alive Scroll)
12/10/2022, npc: Claymore for sale on Izlude Weapon Dealer izlude_in 60,127
27/10/2022, limited instant map: Endless Tower 4 until 1/12/2022
27/10/2022, 1st anniversary event and items until 1/12/2022
27/10/2022, npc: free +7 starter weapon moc_ruins 93,58
27/10/2022, npc: Reset status,skill each character once (27/10/2022-1/12/2022)
15/12/2022, limited instant map: Horror Toy Factory until 5/1/2023
12/1/2023, class: High Class
19/1/2023, map: Einbroch, yuno_field07,08,09,10,11,12
19/1/2023, monster: Incarnation of Morroc
26/1/2023, limited instant map: Endless Tower 5 (26/1/2023-2/2/2023)
2/2/2023, item: High class weapon, armor added 1 (e.g. Orleans's Glove,Hunting Spear,Sniping Suit,Scalpel)
9/2/2023, npc: Woe hat exchange
9/2/2023, bug: woe Deluge temporarily banned
23/2/2023, item: High class weapon, armor added 2 (e.g. Sandstorm)
16/3/2023, map: Bio laboratory
23/3/2023, instant map: Raid Dungeon (classic TH ver. 23/3/2023-8/6/2023)
30/3/2023, system: new party UI, replaced 50% with 70%
27/4/2023, map: Moscovia dungeon
11/5/2023, class: Taekwondo Master, Soul Linker
11/5/2023, npc: Free
reset status,skill Taekwondo Master, Soul Linker, Super Novice once,
next 1m zeny per each prontera 148,279 (11/5/2023-8/6/2023)
8/6/2023, map: Hugel Town, Abyss Lake, Thanatos Tower, Odin Temple, Kiel Factory
8/6/2023, npc: Miracle Service, Kafra Memorial
8/6/2023, item: Rudra Bow+Oridecon Arrow(Hunter Bow, Elven Bow classic TH ver.)
8/6/2023, item: Falken Blitz/Rudra Bow+Circlet Of Phoenix(5%fixCast*refine/5%rudraEff?*refine)
15/6/2023, monster: yuno_fild06 monster activated
29/6/2023, npc: Abyss Lake 2,000z warper
6/7/2023, map: Rachel town, Ice cave
6/7/2023, monster: Naght Sieger randomly appear on endless tower 101 ft. (6/7/2023-20/7/2023)
12/7/2023, syetem: Fishing AFK System(only on classic server)
12/7/2023, map: Ore Farming Dungeon(only on classic server)
12/7/2023, skill: cast time edited
20/7/2023, npc: challenge quest for accessories, shadow costume(only on classic server)
20/7/2023, monster: OGH monster rebalance
12/10/2023, map: Nameless Island
12/10/2023, bug/fix: ASPD nerfed
12/10/2023, bug/fix: 1-2 skill rebalanced/removed
26/10/2023, 2nd anniversary event until 28/12/2023
26/10/2023, npc: Free jumping Novice level 99 "บนบนล่างล่างซ้ายขวาซ้ายขวา" character 1 (Pre-register) until 4/1/2023
26/10/2023, npc: free +7 starter weapon moc_ruins 93,58 (Equipment Provider) need New User Registration Box/ [Not For Sale] Golden Wings in inventory
26/10/2023, npc: Free
reset status,skill all class once,
next 1m zeny per each prontera 149,280 until 4/1/2023
26/10/2023, map: (turbo_room) moc_ruins 117,57
26/10/2023, map:
RObotron(Arcade Dungeon) turbo_room 115,137
26/10/2023, map: The Bounty 'RO' splendid_field(The Bounty 'RO') turbo_room 108,137
26/10/2023, map: Time Chamber(Dr.Albert Wily)
turbo_room 75,81
26/10/2023, npc: event Richard System (5%)
26/10/2023, class: Ninja, Gunslinger
2/11/2023, map: (turbo_room) new gate on payon 165,100/prontera 153,187/alberta 209,87/geffen 127,82/aldebaran 127,120
2/11/2023, npc: Free jumping
Novice level 99 "บนบนล่างล่างซ้ายขวาซ้ายขวา" character 2, item code:
C59A-F38B-4E6C-9583 (2/11/2023-8/11/2023)
9/11/2023, map: Juperos Ruins
9/11/2023, item: Arcade Coin can be storage (jumping level more than 2 character available)
9/11/2023, npc: Morroc Market price checker "BAD UPDATE THAT DESTROY CLASSIC"
21/11/2023, fix:
RObotron(Arcade Dungeon) turbo_room treasure chest respawn repeated bug fixed
30/11/2023, Advanced Old Glast Heim Memorial Dungeon, Enchanted Temporal Boots
30/11/2023, npc: Gate Warp (Dungeon) moc_ruins 73,165
28/12/2023, ขยายระยะเวลา 2 anniversary event ถึง 4/1/2024
4/1/2024, npc: remove Gate Warp (Dungeon) moc_ruins 73,165
4/1/2024, npc: remove event Richard System (5%)
4/1/2024, item: remove Suits70[],Muffler70,Shoes70
11/1/2024, npc: brought back Gate Warp (Dungeon) moc_ruins 73,165
11/1/2024, npc: temporary hold Vendor/Seller part time scroll while bug occured
11/1/2024, map: Dewata island
8/2/2024, map: EP.12 The Resurrection Of Morroc
15/2/2024, npc: Maya server - Kafra storage until 14/3/2024
29/2/2024, รวมเซิฟ Baphomet(Baphomet-Maya)
29/2/2024, npc: brought back Vendor/Seller part time scroll
29/2/2024, npc: Reset status,skill once/character (29/2/2024-28/3/2024)
7/3/2024, map: Nighmare Pyramid
14/3/2024, map: Faceworm Nest
21/3/2024, npc: removed Vendor/Seller part time scroll
4/4/2024, map: Byalan Undersea Tunnel F6(iz_dun05)
2/5/2024, npc: brought back Vendor/Seller part time scroll
9/5/2024, instant map: Raid Under Ocean
16/5/2024, map: Champion monster added
16/5/2024, map: +extra more Champion monsters ×10 added !
16/5/2024, system: under 99 exp table adjustment
16/5/2024, map: Eden Gruop
16/5/2024, npc: Energy Crystal
16/5/2024, npc: Eden Equipment Lv.60, Eden weapon III, Eden Billboard Quest 1-39, 40-69
16/5/2024, npc: 2nd anniversary Golden gears exchange moc_para01 108,97
16/5/2024, monster: Tao Gunka: beach_dun
16/5/2024, npc: Richard System (5%) : moc_para01 weapon 48,179 & armor 48,173
16/5/2024, npc: refine cap up to 15, Accessory refine
16/5/2024, npc: new VIP buff
16/5/2024, npc: training gruond changed
23/5/2024, npc: refine training room
30/5/2024, monster: Strouf: iz_dun04
30/5/2024, npc: add more Morroc Market npc: morroc 239,127/105,245
6/6/2024, npc: Memorial Dungeon warp removed
27/6/2024, item: bellum weapon banned
4/7/2024, monster: Dark Priest on gl_chyard
1/8/2024, map: New World Base Camp
1/8/2024, map: Splendid field, Manuk field
1/8/2024, map: Scaraba Hole
15/8/2024, map: EP.14.2.2 Memorial Dungeon: Geffen Magic Tournament
5/9/2024, map: Brasilis
24/10/2024, map: Nidhoggur's Nest
24/10/2024, npc: 3rd anniversary event and items until 9/1/2025
24/10/2024, npc: Free jumping level 99 to ALL?, dali 81/114 until 9/1/2025
24/10/2024, npc: Free
reset status,skill all class, once prontera 149,280 until 9/1/2025
7/11/2024, map: Bossnia (7/11/2024-28/11/2024)
14/11/2024, npc: White Knight Card, Khalitzburg Knight Card exchange
11/12/2024, map: Memorial Dungeon: Horror Toy Factory
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- Bowling Bash
- Brandish Spear
- Grand Cross
- Acid Teror
- Occult Impaction (Investigate)
- Throw Spirit Sphere (Finger Offensive)
- Guillotine Fist (Extremity Fist)
- Killing Stroke (Final Strike)
- Soul Destroyer (Soul Breaker)
- Rapid Smiting (Shield Chain)
- Acid Bomb (Acid Demonstration)
- Desperado (new)
- Revo-Classic Auto Spell
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